About the Learning Passport

A Platform and an Education Model

A girl shows off the Learning Passport via a mobile app.

The Learning Passport is an Online, Mobile, and Offline Platform that enables continuous access to quality education. It is highly flexible and adaptable, allowing countries to easily and quickly adopt the Learning Passport as its national learning management system or use it to complement existing digital learning platforms.

The Learning Passport, delivered by UNICEF and powered by Microsoft Community Training, has been developed with a unique suite of online and offline functionalities and abilities. The platform will prioritize deployment in places with intermittent or no internet connectivity – often locations that children find themselves unable to access quality digital education tools and content

The platform serves local, contextualized content as well as global supplementary resources to support learners and improve learning outcomes. We are currently collating a library of Open Educational Resources (OERs) and content donations by leading private companies to offer a variety of supplementary content for localisation and use by implementing offices.

Global Digital Library
Use Cases for the LP


The Learning Passport is also an 'education model' for early childhood education, primary & secondary education, adolescent skills, and technical & vocational education, tailored to the needs of children and youth who are either out of school, or in need of support to ensure the education they are receiving is of sufficient quality. Every user has a personalized record of their learning history that is unique to them and can be taken across physical and digital borders subject to context.

It is also a model for teachers and parents to receive the necessary training and tools to be empowered and help support student learning.

How to Get Started: the Deployment Journey

LP Deployment Journey Infographic

The deployment journey or implementation of the Learning Passport occurs once a UNICEF Country Office or the Government officially expresses an interest and typically involves the following process above. Country Offices, government officials, implementation & technical teams, and other stakeholders will have access to support from UNICEF's Global Team throughout the entire deployment journey.

Additional Resources

A 7 years old girl, is studying at home, in Abidjan, in the South of Côte d'Ivoire

Discover how the Learning Passport's Offline model is helping to bridge the digital divide.

8 year old Akash reads a pratham book outside his house that has been given to him under the library program of Room to Read

Read the research and recommendation reports behind the Learning Passport. 

Latest News

Nigeria’s success in growing the Learning Passport

Accelerating towards making quality education universally accessible.

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Inclusive Learning for All in Zambia

Embracing Every Child’s Unique Needs

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Learning Passport in São Tomé and Príncipe

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Learning Passport Offline Hub bridges the digital divide

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